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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

A poem called "The Reverent Silence in the Church of Bedroom"

The Reverent Silence in the Church of Bedroom

The room is cluttered full of things –
Shelves and books and clothes and machines,
And in the centre lies the holy bed
Upon which I am sprawled.

I am focusing on the holy screen
And I can feel my eyes drying out
And I can feel my body cramping up
And I can feel its natural suppleness beginning to diminish within the confines of this space.

A wise man once said to me:
“Look out the window to prevent myopia.”
Outside the window, I find it wet and green,
Full of grass and trees and lovely scenes;

In fact, an entire world’s outside!

But to go there, one must always get up.  

When I look back inside the room,
The walls appear to have closed in around me,
And my mind is spurting aimless thoughts
Like a broken high-pressure fountain.   

I wonder if I can express myself…
Shall I write a didactic story?
Shall I paint a symbolic picture?
Shall I write an essay on the nature of this modern existence?

But who would give the slightest care?
And what the fuck is the point?

Perhaps the Lord in his infinite wisdom
Has a solution for my vexing qualm.
I ask him: 
“Lord of the 21st Century,
What do you suggest I do?”


“If you have nothing to say to me, God,
I shall spend my days in prayer;
I shall worship you by the laptop altar
And its luminous electric screen.”


“Ok, sorted.”

In the silence of the holy room,
In the flickering Facebook light,
In the scrolling up and scrolling down,

I am born again.

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